'New Kids in the Neighborhood' 1967, Norman Rockwell.
 Juxtaposition into Gowman's case study documentation.  * work in progress, more to be added.
'New Kids in the Neighborhood' 1967, Norman Rockwell.
'New Kids in the Neighborhood' 1967, Norman Rockwell.

Rockwell used many different techniques to draw attention to the issue of segregation. First the physical separation of the two races is illustrated through the gap between them. The center of the painting is an empty space and the main characters are facing each other from the opposite side. This amplifies the tension between the groups. He used the suburbs as the setting to illustrate the fact that segregation is not only a problem in the urban area, but extends throughout the country, including the suburbs. The artist’s decision to use children was deliberate as a way to suggest innocence. The baseball gloves in the hands of both white and African-American boys allude to the great American pastime. Also the girls in this painting are both wearing a pink hair tie. Together, these aspects illustrate the commonality between the two raced groups. I believe that Rockwell used these subtle techniques to portray the state of the nation at the time and his belief that both race share common values and together make up the nation.


Cavanagh, S. “Week 4 Lecture.” SOC 369K Population and Health. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX. 12 Feb. 2015. Lecture

 Juxtaposition into Gowman's case study documentation.  * work in progress, more to be added.

Juxtaposition into Gowman's case study documentation.

* work in progress, more to be added.